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Essex County Council want to improve walking and cycling routes to provide residents with a wider choice of how they travel – so a consultation has been launched asking residents to give us their views on our proposed safer, greener, healthier cycling and walking networks (LCWIPs – Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plans) in Braintree, Brentwood, Chelmsford, and Colchester. 

The consultation will end on 29 September.

By developing cycling and walking networks, ECC can make our streets healthier through reducing congestion and improving air quality. They become safer for those who want to walk or cycle as well as more accessible and easier to move around. Walking and cycling also offer help improve our physical health and wellbeing.

ECC are doing this several districts at a time, with routes in Braintree, Brentwood, Chelmsford and Colchester being consulted upon first (click here to see the pdf files explaining how the networks have been created). They aim to consult upon all districts by early 2024. These networks will form a vital part of the Government’s strategy to increase the number of trips made on foot or by bike; and are an important step for Essex to achieve the vision of a safer, greener, and healthier county.


When referencing wheeling in the consultation, wheeling is defined as “people using a mobility scooter, wheelchair, or other wheeled mobility aid”.

For more information, please visit this page or contact