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The Ingatestone & District Camera Club was founded in 1953, under the guidance of Mr. Pollard, an Ingatestone chemist. In forming the Club he was assisted by Bernie Back, Ken Rodgers and Ron Goose. The first set of Club rules were formulated by Mr. Pollard.

The Ingatestone & District Camera Club meets every Friday from September to May, at 7.45pm at Seymour Pavilion, New Road, Ingatestone, CM4 0HH. The Annual Exhibition is held in late April when all the awards and trophies are presented to members successful in the various competitions. Besides the Annual Exhibition, the Club also exhibits each year at the Ingatestone & Fryerning Horticultural Show at the Seymour Field. In recent years, further exhibitions have been mounted in the St. Edmund & St. Mary Church, on Essex Heritage and environmental issues. In conjunction with the Ingatestone Historical Society, the Club mounted an exhibition of “Ingatestone Then & Now”, where old and new photographs of certain views around the village were displayed side by side for comparison.

Club members enjoy a varied social life with parties during the year, and regular midweek photoshoots during the summer break.

It is not necessary for people contemplating membership of the Club to be proficient in photography, but we trust that by joining, you will progress in the art and craft of picture taking. We are exhibiting a variety of prints from a number of members, some of whom have started to print their digital photos the first time this season. In doing so, we hope that we are able to show the benefits that can be gained by becoming a member of the Ingatestone & District Camera Club.

If you are interested in joining the Club, please take a look at our Program for the season. We look forward to welcoming you to our club.

Contact Name: Tom Smith