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Champion Your Local Independents this summer and join the Independents Day campaign on 1 and 2 July 2023.

Independents Day is supported by Brentwood Borough Council and the Brentwood Business Partnership, which is sponsored by Beresfords and Tess.

Browse Brentwood’s Businesses, Indulge in Ingatestone and Savour Shenfield’s Shops so that the local community can reap the benefits of having small, independent businesses in the borough. When you champion your local independents, you are helping to grow the number of jobs in your area, which makes for a better place to live and work.

Join the campaign on social media by posting your favourite local independent businesses by using the following hashtags: #ChampionYourLocalIndependents, #BrowseBrentwoodsBusinesses, #IndulgeInIngatestone and #SavourShenfieldsShops.

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