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Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council (IFPC)  voted to freeze the precept for the financial year 2021-2022 at £173,839 at its Full Council meeting on 4 February 2021.


Every year parish councils are required to review their budget and set a precept for the following financial year.  The precept is the element of council tax that parish councils request to pay for the important work they undertake.


Due to difficult circumstances faced due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the parish council made the decision to remove further financial burden to residents. Last financial year the precept was raised by 2% from £170,430 to £173,839. IFPC can assure residents that the same standard of service will be achieved in 2021-2022.


IFPC carefully budgets its precept to maintain our villages. It pays for the upkeep of Fryerning Cemetery, Fairfield recreation ground and the Seymour Field and Pavilion. It also pays for parish council owned bins and dog waste bins to be emptied and for planting and watering flower beds and planters. IFPC look forward to carrying out some new projects including supporting the renovation of the children’s playground in Fairfield,  the Ingatestone museum project, and the Christmas High Street tree displays.


IFPC chair Paul Jeater comments: “The parish council  is aware that the past year is like nothing any of us have ever experienced before. We know that some of our residents have faced unprecedented challenges and hardship. In the circumstances your parish council felt that the precept should not rise this year.


“Over the next twelve months we hope to make significant improvement to facilities around the parish, including a redesigned childrens’ playground at Fairfield, which will hopefully be ready for the summer holidays.”


For more information please call 01277 676759 or e-mail


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Twitter: @IngFryPC

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